Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Broadwaters Lights Fantastic

On 12th December, as part of the Broadwaters Christmas Fayre, organised by Colin Hill on behalf of the Scouts, the 'Friends', supported by Karen James and others at Wyre Forest District council, organised the ' Lights Fantastic' The funds for this event were provided by Mumshad Ahmed through the 'Positive Activities' fund, Howard Martin through the 'Leadership Fund', and Worcestershire County Council through the 'Generations Together' Fund,
(Click pictures for larger view)

The event was the culmination of weeks (months?) of hard work by Jane Abraham who took on the task following the disappointment of not being able to put on a similar event in March.

At last the money became available and the various parts of the event were booked. Chinese Lanterns (modern, 'green' recycled version) were produced with input from local schools and WFDC art workers.

A 'green' energy section was installed in the 'Friend's' large gazebo. This was a series of bicycles on stands connected to generators. These generators, when manned by sufficient 'customers'  provided electrical energy to power some rather fetching blue fairy lights to illuminate the rear of the gazebo.


More power (much more!) was needed to power the the kettle and the toaster which did in fact produce tea and toast, though not in sufficient quantities to feed everyone!

The lanterns were installed along the banks of the stream and gave an enticing view to passing motorists.

The climax of the evening was probably the most spectacular fireworks display ever seen in the area.

All in all, a very worthwhile exercise, and thanks are again offered to Wyre Forest District Council and all those involved in the organisation of such a successful event.

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